Romax Technology

Romax Technology


If you’ve ever sat on a train, driven a car, traversed a building site, blended a milkshake, or paid an electricity bill, then the chances are you are in a chain of events that has been touched or shaped by Romax, its services or software.

As a global leader in software and services for rotating + electric machinery, we work with more than 250 organisations, and our existence depends on helping them develop the right product, at the right time, for the right people.  

Company profile type: 
Motorsport, Engineering
Gevraagde beroepsvelden: 
Design Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Electronics Engineer, Lead Engineer, Applications Engineer
Gevraagd studiegebied: 
Electrical Engineering / Electronics

Address information

Nottingham Innovation Park, Triumph Rd, Nottingham NG7 2TU

Company Locations